Discount Mycotherapy the natural power of mushrooms on Farmacia Cavalieri

Cavalieri Pharmacy Offer  • Used 3 times     Expires in 3 years

Mycotherapy the natural power of mushrooms

Freeland was the first Italian company to introduce Medicinal Mushrooms in the medical field with the aim of integrating classic pharmacological therapies, exploiting the great health properties of mushrooms. Hifas da Terra is the company from which they import their medicinal mushrooms, a company born with the commitment to improve people's quality of life and health by using the potential of medicinal mushrooms. Thanks to the extensive knowledge of applied mycology they have developed innovative solutions adapted to various needs based on innovation, sustainability and social commitment.
                { "id": "2741624", "title": "Mycotherapy, the natural power of mushrooms", "description": "Freeland was the first Italian company to introduce Medicinal Mushrooms into the medical field with the aim of integrating the classic pharmacological therapies, exploiting the great properties of mushrooms on health. Hifas da Terra is the company from which they import their medicinal mushrooms, a company founded with the commitment to improve the quality of life and health of people using the potential of medicinal mushrooms. Thanks to their extensive knowledge of Applied Mycology they have developed innovative solutions adapted to various needs based on innovation, sustainability and social commitment.", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_00.jpg" , "code": "", "perma": "micoterapia-la-potenza-naturale-dei-funghi", "store_perma": "farmaciacavalieri", "url": "https://www. Coupon code US/go .php?coupon_id=8", "store_id": "00" }

Codes and Related Offers

                { "id": "13084603", "title": "5% discount", "description": "Immediate 5% discount on everything by entering the code GIFT100.", "thumbnail": "", "code": " REGALO100", "perma": "5-di-sconto-su-tutto", "store_perma": "farmaciacavalieri", "url": "https://www. Coupon code US/go.php?coupon_id=13084603" , "store_id": "3532" }

Cavalieri Pharmacy Code     Expires in 8 months

5% Discount Code

Immediate 5% discount on everything by entering the code REGALO100.
                { "id": "2741774", "title": "Kaloba the herbal medicine", "description": "Kaloba the natural medicine for winter pathologies. Adults and children.\nThe natural medicine is a medicine composed of natural ingredients not created synthetically in the laboratory. The natural drug acts physiologically on the organism, allowing it to activate its self-healing abilities.", "thumbnail": "", "code": "", "perma": "kaloba-il- medicinal-vegetal", "store_perma": "farmaciacavalieri", "url": "https://www. Coupon code US/go.php?coupon_id=00", "store_id": "8" }

Cavalieri Pharmacy Offer     Expires in 8 months

Kaloba the herbal drug

Kaloba the natural medicine for winter pathologies. Adults and children. Natural drug is a drug composed of natural ingredients not created synthetically in a laboratory. The natural drug acts physiologically on the body, allowing it to activate its self-healing capabilities.