Books and Magazines discount codes
Codex Macrolibrarsi • Used 6163 times Expires in 3 days
15% Discount Code
Use the code in your cart to get free shipping and 15% off. Excluding products not subject to a discount, Gift Cards and books |
{ "id": "9477385", "title": "Sconto 15%", "description": "Utilizza il codice nel tuo carrello per ottenere la spedizione gratuita e 15% di Sconto. Ad esclusione dei prodotti non soggetti a sconto, delle Gift Card e dei libri\r\n", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "DIS15", "perma": "sconto-15", "store_perma": "macrolibrarsi", "url": "", "store_id": "1996" } code • Used 541 times Expires in 3 days
5% Discount Code
Choose your favorite magazine, enter the code and immediately get an additional 5% discount |
{ "id": "9589392", "title": "Sconto 5%", "description": "Scegli la tua rivista preferita, inserisci il codice e ottieni subito un ulteriore sconto del 5%", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "SPECIALE5", "perma": "sconto-5", "store_perma": "abbonamenti-it", "url": "", "store_id": "1008" }
Code Readly • Used 7 times Expires in 3 days
One month discount
Now 1 month for only €0,99 Discover all the magazines After €14,99/month. Cancel at any time. |
{ "id": "12836294", "title": "Sconto un mese", "description": "Ora 1 mese a soli \u20ac 0,99\r\nScopri tutte le riviste\r\nDopo \u20ac 14,99\/mese. Annulla in qualsiasi momento.", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "iscrivendoti con la app", "perma": "sconto-un-mese", "store_perma": "readly", "url": "", "store_id": "4994" }
Kobo offer • Used 7 times Expires in 5 days
Listen and read for just €12,99 a month. Start your free trial at |
{ "id": "7206840", "title": "Kobo Plus", "description": "Ascolta e leggi per soli 12,99 \u20ac al mese. Inizia la tua prova gratuita su\/plus.", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "kobo-plus", "store_perma": "kobo", "url": "", "store_id": "2388" }
University Library Offer • Used 130 times Expires in 5 days
25% discount
25% discount on the entire Adelphi catalogue: an unmissable opportunity to discover so many extraordinary authors |
{ "id": "65101", "title": "Sconto 25%", "description": "Sconto 25% su tutto il catalogo Adelphi: un'imperdibile occasione per scoprire tanti autori straordinari", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-25", "store_perma": "libreria-universitaria", "url": "", "store_id": "1482" }
Audible offer • Used 33 times Expires in 5 days
First month discount
Enjoy unlimited audio experiences every month and listen to as many Audible Original Podcasts as you want. Sign up - Free for the first 30 days €9,99/month after the first 30 days. Cancel when you want |
{ "id": "7900174", "title": "Sconto primo mese", "description": "Goditi esperienze audio illimitate ogni mese e ascolta tutti i podcast originali Audible che vuoi.\r\nIscriviti - Gratis i primi 30 giorni\r\n9,99 \u20ac\/mese dopo i primi 30 giorni. Cancelli quando vuoi", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-primo-mese", "store_perma": "audible", "url": "", "store_id": "4288" }
University Library Offer • Used 721 times Expires in 5 days
25% discount
25% discount on the entire Einaudi pocket catalogue: find your favorite ET |
{ "id": "65102", "title": "Sconto 25%", "description": "Sconto 25% su tutto il catalogo tascabile Einaudi: trova il tuo ET preferito", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-25", "store_perma": "libreria-universitaria", "url": "", "store_id": "1482" }
Kobo offer • Used 11 times Expires in 5 days
Kobo Plus eBooks
Read as many eBooks as you want for just €9,99 a month. Start a FREE trial |
{ "id": "7206841", "title": "Kobo Plus eBook", "description": "Leggi tutti gli eBook che vuoi a soli 9,99 \u20ac al mese. Inizia una prova GRATUITA", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "kobo-plus-ebook", "store_perma": "kobo", "url": "", "store_id": "2388" }
Ibs offer • Used 1 times Expires in 3 days
Backpacks, pencil cases, diaries, notebooks, diaries, notebooks, pens, colored pencils, markers, highlighters and all stationery. Discover what's new |
{ "id": "13685320", "title": "CARTOLERIA CONTENITORE", "description": "Zaini, astucci, diari, quaderni, agende, taccuini, penne, matite colorate, pennarelli, evidenziatori e tutta la cancelleria. Scopri tutte le novit\u00e0", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "cartoleria-contenitore", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Feltrinelli offer • Used 1 times Expires in 3 days
Backpacks, pencil cases, diaries, notebooks, diaries, notebooks, pens, colored pencils, markers, highlighters and all stationery. Discover what's new |
{ "id": "13684963", "title": "CARTOLERIA CONTENITORE", "description": "Zaini, astucci, diari, quaderni, agende, taccuini, penne, matite colorate, pennarelli, evidenziatori e tutta la cancelleria. Scopri tutte le novit\u00e0", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "cartoleria-contenitore", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
{ "id": "14086499", "title": "TRE BUONI", "description": "TRE BUONI", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "tre-buoni", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
{ "id": "14082184", "title": "HAPPY CARD", "description": "HAPPY CARD", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "happy-card", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Feltrinelli offer Expires in 7 days
Take advantage of this super Disney promotion now: cartoons and live action, on DVD and Blu-ray, 3 on offer with a 30% discount |
{ "id": "14061190", "title": "DISNEY 3X30", "description": "Approfitta ora di questa super promozione Disney: cartoni e live action, in DVD e Blu-ray, in offerta 3 con sconto 30%", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "disney-3x30", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Ibs offer Expires in 2 weeks
With the purchase of two books from the Gribaudo children's catalogue, you will receive a beautiful backpack as a gift, available in 2 variants |
{ "id": "14000588", "title": "GRIBAUDO", "description": "Con l'acquisto di due libri del catalogo ragazzi Gribaudo, hai in regalo un bellissimo zainetto, disponibile in 2 varianti", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "gribaudo", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Feltrinelli offer Expires in 2 weeks
With the purchase of two books from the Gribaudo children's catalogue, you will receive a beautiful backpack as a gift, available in 2 variants |
{ "id": "14000233", "title": "GRIBAUDO", "description": "Con l'acquisto di due libri del catalogo ragazzi Gribaudo, hai in regalo un bellissimo zainetto, disponibile in 2 varianti", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "gribaudo", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Ibs offer • Used 1 times Expires in 2 weeks
Free with Gli Adelphi an exclusive shopper with the purchase of 2 books |
{ "id": "13746669", "title": "ADELPHI BORSA IN OMAGGIO", "description": "In omaggio con Gli Adelphi un'esclusiva shopper con l'acquisto di 2 libri", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "adelphi-borsa-in-omaggio", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Feltrinelli offer • Used 1 times Expires in 2 weeks
An exclusive shopper is free with the purchase of two books with Gli Adelphi |
{ "id": "13746671", "title": "ADELPHI BORSA IN OMAGGIO", "description": "In omaggio con Gli Adelphi un'esclusiva shopper con l'acquisto di due libri", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "adelphi-borsa-in-omaggio", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Feltrinelli offer Expires in 2 weeks
On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, let yourself be inspired by our reading suggestions to finally cultivate a culture of peace together. |
{ "id": "14094094", "title": "LIBRI CHE RACCONTANO LA PACE", "description": "In occasione della Giornata Internazionale della Pace, lasciati ispirare dai nostri consigli di lettura per coltivare insieme, finalmente, una cultura di pace", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "libri-che-raccontano-la-pace", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Feltrinelli offer Expires in 2 weeks
The novelties of the literary season with free delivery |
{ "id": "14061187", "title": "BACK TO BOOK", "description": "Le novit\u00e0 della stagione letteraria con consegna gratis", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "back-to-book", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
{ "id": "14061186", "title": "BACK TO BOOK", "description": "Le novit\u00e0 della stagione letteraria con consegna gratis", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "back-to-book", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Mondadori Store offer Expires in 4 weeks
One of the cute little paw-print tote bags will be provided free online and in bookstores with every €10 purchase of Mondadori Group children's and young adult books. |
{ "id": "14068732", "title": "ZAMPETTE", "description": "Una delle simpaticissime tote bag con le zampette verr\u00e0 fornita in omaggio online e in libreria su 10\u20ac di acquisto di libri per bambini e ragazzi del Gruppo Mondadori.", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "zampette", "store_perma": "mondadori-store", "url": "", "store_id": "899" }
Bookbeat code • Used 30 times Expires in 1 month
Discount Code €60
60-day free trial for new users. For those who open a new account and use the discount code there are 60 days of free listening |
{ "id": "11186351", "title": "Offerta € 60", "description": "Prova gratuita di 60 giorni per i nuovi utenti. Per chi apre un nuovo account ed utilizza il codice sconto ci sono 60 giorni gratis di ascolto", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "ascoltaaudiolibri", "perma": "ascolta-audiolibri-gratis-60-giorni", "store_perma": "bookbeat", "url": "", "store_id": "4248" }
Feltrinelli offer • Used 1 times Expires in 3 months
TEA 1 + 1
Two TEA books to combine as you like for only €9,90. Take advantage of it now! |
{ "id": "13639618", "title": "TEA 1 + 1", "description": "Due libri TEA da abbinare come preferisci a soli 9,90\u20ac. Approfittane subito!", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "tea-1-1", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Feltrinelli offer Expires in 3 months
One book AND/OR as a gift when you purchase 2 books from the publisher |
{ "id": "13886616", "title": "EO LIBRO IN OMAGGIO", "description": "Un libro E\/O in regalo acquistando 2 libri dell'editore", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "eo-libro-in-omaggio", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Ibs offer Expires in 3 months
One book AND/OR as a gift when you purchase 2 books from the publisher |
{ "id": "13886614", "title": "EO LIBRO IN OMAGGIO", "description": "Un libro E\/O in regalo acquistando 2 libri dell'editore", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "eo-libro-in-omaggio", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
{ "id": "13477604", "title": "SELLERIO 1 + 1", "description": "fino al 31 dicembre", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sellerio-1-1", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Feltrinelli offer Expires in 3 months
Strega Prize 2024: News, updates, proposed books |
{ "id": "13790149", "title": "PREMIO STREGA - VINCITORI", "description": "Premio Strega 2024: Novit\u00e0, aggiornamenti, libri proposti", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "premio-strega-vincitori", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Ibs offer • Used 1 times Expires in 3 months
TEA 1 + 1
Two TEA books to combine as you like for only €9,90. Take advantage of it now! |
{ "id": "13639620", "title": "TEA 1 + 1", "description": "Due libri TEA da abbinare come preferisci a soli 9,90\u20ac. Approfittane subito!", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "tea-1-1", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Ibs offer • Used 1 times Expires in 3 months
Strega Prize 2024: News, updates, proposed books |
{ "id": "13790145", "title": "PREMIO STREGA - VINCITORI", "description": "Premio Strega 2024: Novit\u00e0, aggiornamenti, libri proposti", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "premio-strega-vincitori", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Ibs offer • Used 1 times Expires in 3 months
2 books at a special price to combine as you prefer. Take advantage of it now! |
{ "id": "12759970", "title": "MONDADORI 1 + 1", "description": "2 libri a prezzo speciale da abbinare come preferisci. Approfittane subito!", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "mondadori-1-1", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Feltrinelli offer • Used 2 times Expires in 3 months
2 books at a special price to combine as you prefer. Take advantage of it now! |
{ "id": "12759972", "title": "MONDADORI 1 + 1", "description": "2 libri a prezzo speciale da abbinare come preferisci. Approfittane subito!", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "mondadori-1-1", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Ibs offer • Used 1 times Expires in 3 months
Buy two Salani-branded Harry Potter books and you will receive a free set of 7 collectible postcards with the covers of the first Italian edition illustrated by Serena Riglietti |
{ "id": "12824931", "title": "HARRY POTTER", "description": "Acquista due libri del mondo Harry Potter a marchio Salani e riceverai in regalo un set di 7 cartoline da collezione con le copertine della prima edizione italiana illustrate da Serena Riglietti", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "harry-potter", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Feltrinelli offer Expires in 3 months
Buy two Salani-branded Harry Potter books and you will receive a free set of 7 collectible postcards with the covers of the first Italian edition illustrated by Serena Riglietti |
{ "id": "12824932", "title": "HARRY POTTER", "description": "Acquista due libri del mondo Harry Potter a marchio Salani e riceverai in regalo un set di 7 cartoline da collezione con le copertine della prima edizione italiana illustrate da Serena Riglietti", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "harry-potter", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Ibs code Expires in 5 months
4 euros for a purchase of at least 45 euros DVDs, Blu-rays, discs, video games, toys and gadgets |
{ "id": "14084796", "title": "SCONTO 4€", "description": "4 euro per un acquisto di almeno 45 euro DVD, Blu-ray, dischi, videogiochi, giocattoli e gadget", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "AWCDIBS4", "perma": "sconto-4EUR", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Ibs code Expires in 5 months
2 euros for a purchase of at least 27 euros DVDs, Blu-rays, records, vinyls |
{ "id": "14084797", "title": "SCONTO 2€", "description": "2 euro per un acquisto di almeno 27 euro DVD, Blu-ray, dischi, vinili", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "AWCDIBS2", "perma": "sconto-2EUR", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Feltrinelli code Expires in 5 months
2 euros for a purchase of at least 27 euros DVDs, Blu-rays, records, vinyls |
{ "id": "14084795", "title": "SCONTO 2€", "description": "2 euro per un acquisto di almeno 27 euro DVD, Blu-ray, dischi, vinili", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "AWCDFEL2", "perma": "sconto-2EUR", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Ibs code Expires in 5 months
5 euro discount for a minimum purchase of 50 euros valid for the purchase of DVDs, Blu-rays, discs, video games, toys and gadgets |
{ "id": "14084794", "title": "SCONTO 5€", "description": "5 euro di sconto per un acquisto minimo di 50 euro valido per l\u2019acquisto di DVD, Blu-ray, dischi, videogiochi, giocattoli e gadget", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "AWCDIBS5", "perma": "sconto-5EUR", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }
Feltrinelli code Expires in 5 months
4 euros for a purchase of at least 45 euros DVDs, Blu-rays, discs, video games, toys and gadgets |
{ "id": "14084793", "title": "SOONTO 4€", "description": "4 euro per un acquisto di almeno 45 euro DVD, Blu-ray, dischi, videogiochi, giocattoli e gadget", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "AWCDFEL4", "perma": "soonto-4EUR", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Feltrinelli code Expires in 5 months
5 euro discount for a minimum purchase of 50 euros valid for the purchase of DVDs, Blu-rays, discs, video games, toys and gadgets |
{ "id": "14084792", "title": "SCONTO 5€", "description": "5 euro di sconto per un acquisto minimo di 50 euro valido per l\u2019acquisto di DVD, Blu-ray, dischi, videogiochi, giocattoli e gadget", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "AWCDFEL5", "perma": "sconto-5EUR", "store_perma": "lafeltrinelli-it", "url": "", "store_id": "897" }
Ibs offer Expires in 1 year
Search your college books. The fast, convenient and worry-free search service. |
{ "id": "14094092", "title": "LIBRI UNIVERSITARI", "description": "Cerca i tuoi libri universitari. Il servizio di ricerca rapido conveniente e senza pensieri.", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "libri-universitari", "store_perma": "ibs", "url": "", "store_id": "902" }