Bikini discount codes
Yamamay code • Used 24 times Expires in 3 days
10% Discount Code
10% off your first purchase! To use the discount, enter the code in the cart. The code is valid for one time only on the first purchase made on the website, it cannot be combined with other valid promotions and special prices |
{ "id": "8288473", "title": "Sconto 10%", "description": "10% di sconto sul tuo primo acquisto! Per utilizzare lo sconto, inserisci a carrello il codice. Il codice \u00e8 valido per un solo sul primo acquisto fatto sul sito, \u00e8 non cumulabile con altre promozioni e prezzi speciali in corso di validit\u00e0\r\n", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "Y-WELCOME", "perma": "sconto-10", "store_perma": "yamamay", "url": "", "store_id": "1314" }
Yamamay offer • Used 43 times Expires in 4 days
50% discount Push push up band
Enjoy a 50% discount on Yamamay push up band! |
{ "id": "8288430", "title": "Sconto 50% Fascia push push up", "description": "Goditi uno Sconto del 50% su Fascia push push up Yamamay!", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-50-fascia-push-push-up", "store_perma": "yamamay", "url": "", "store_id": "1314" }
Yamamay offer • Used 21 times Expires in 4 days
50% discount Push ups - Audacity
Enjoy a 50% Discount on Push up - Audacity Yamamay! |
{ "id": "8288428", "title": "Sconto 50% Push up - Audacity", "description": "Goditi uno Sconto del 50% su Push up - Audacity Yamamay!", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-50-push-up-audacity", "store_perma": "yamamay", "url": "", "store_id": "1314" }
Yamamay code • Used 19 times Expires in 3 days
10% Discount Code
To thank you, we have reserved you a 10% discount on your first purchase! From today you will always be updated on news, offers and special initiatives.: |
{ "id": "8225795", "title": "Sconto 10%", "description": "Per ringraziarti ti abbiamo riservato il 10% di sconto sul tuo primo acquisto! Da oggi sarai sempre aggiornato su novit\u00e0, offerte e iniziative speciali.:", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "WELCOME10", "perma": "sconto-10", "store_perma": "yamamay", "url": "", "store_id": "1314" }
Offer Tutete • Used 10 times Expires in 4 days
15% discount Palms Olive Containment Swimsuit
Not only does the wide selection of Palms Olive Containing Swimsuit meet the needs of all users, but you can also save 15% on Tutete. |
{ "id": "9123866", "title": "Sconto 15% Costume Contenitivo Palms Olive", "description": "Non solo la vasta selezione di Costume Contenitivo Palms Olive le esigenze di tutti gli utenti, ma puoi anche risparmiare il 15% su Tutete.", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-15-costume-contenitivo-palms-olive", "store_perma": "tutete", "url": "", "store_id": "797" }
Tummytox offer • Used 8 times Expires in 4 days
65% discount Passed swimsuit test + 2 FREE Collagen Drinks
Choose from a variety of Pass Costume Test + 2 FREE Collagen Drinks to suit your needs and save 65% on Tummytox. |
{ "id": "8942545", "title": "Sconto 65% Prova Costume Superata + 2 Collagen Drink GRATIS", "description": "Scegli tra una vasta gamma di Prova Costume Superata + 2 Collagen Drink GRATIS per soddisfare le tue esigenze e risparmiare il 65% su Tummytox.", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-65-prova-costume-superata-2-collagen-drink-gratis", "store_perma": "tummytoxit", "url": "", "store_id": "2840" }
Victoria's Secret offer • Used 24 times Expires in 4 days
11% discount Opaque bikini top
Save 11% Off Victoria's Secret Crochet Trim Cover Up Bikini Top. |
{ "id": "8327205", "title": "Sconto 11% Top bikini coprente", "description": "Risparmia grazie al 11% di Sconto su Top bikini coprente con bordi all'uncinetto Victoria's Secret.", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-11-top-bikini", "store_perma": "victoriassecret", "url": "", "store_id": "4375" }
Victoria's Secret offer • Used 26 times Expires in 4 days
23% Off Essential bikini top
Enjoy 23% Off Wicked Victoria's Secret Essential Bikini Tops! |
{ "id": "8327204", "title": "Sconto 23% Top bikini essenziale", "description": "Approfitta dello Sconto del 23% sugli Top bikini essenziale Wicked Victoria's Secret!", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-23-top-bikini-essenziale-wicked", "store_perma": "victoriassecret", "url": "", "store_id": "4375" }
Yamamay offer • Used 48 times Expires in 4 days
50% discount Disney® men's briefs - Mickey Mouse
Today you can buy quality Disney® - Mickey Mouse men's briefs on Yamamay saving up to 50%! |
{ "id": "8288434", "title": "Sconto 50% Slip uomo Disney® - Mickey Mouse", "description": "Oggi puoi acquistare Slip uomo Disney\u00ae - Mickey Mouse di qualit\u00e0 su Yamamay risparmiando fino al 50%!", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-50-slip-uomo-disneyR-mickey-mouse", "store_perma": "yamamay", "url": "", "store_id": "1314" }
Yamamay offer • Used 25 times Expires in 4 days
50% Discount Thong - Audacity
Are you looking for quality Thong - Audacity? Take advantage of the 50% discount on Yamamay. |
{ "id": "8288431", "title": "Sconto 50% Perizoma - Audacity", "description": "Sei alla ricerca di Perizoma - Audacity di qualit\u00e0? Approfitta dello sconto del 50% su Yamamay.", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-50-perizoma-audacity", "store_perma": "yamamay", "url": "", "store_id": "1314" }
Yamamay offer • Used 38 times Expires in 4 days
50% off Brazilian - Audacity
Not only does the large selection of Brazilian - Audacity meet the needs of all users, but you can also save 50% on Yamamay. |
{ "id": "8288429", "title": "Sconto 50% Brasiliana - Audacity", "description": "Non solo la vasta selezione di Brasiliana - Audacity le esigenze di tutti gli utenti, ma puoi anche risparmiare il 50% su Yamamay.", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sconto-50-brasiliana-audacity", "store_perma": "yamamay", "url": "", "store_id": "1314" }
Lovable offer • Used 210 times Expires in 4 days
FROM COSTUME TO BEACHWEAR, AND VICE VERSA. Create your perfect beach look, for a unique morning style... at the aperitif! Trendy and lively, this print on white is pure originality! |
{ "id": "6161772", "title": "DAL COSTUME AL BEACHWEAR", "description": "DAL COSTUME AL BEACHWEAR, E VICEVERSA. \u200dCrea il tuo look da spiaggia perfetto, per uno stile unico da mattina... all'aperitivo! Trendy e vivace, questa stampa su bianco \u00e8 originalit\u00e0 allo stato puro!", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "dal-costume-al-beachwear", "store_perma": "lovable", "url": "", "store_id": "2720" }
Offer Lindbergh Hotel (Eden Hotel) • Used 44 times Expires in 4 days
Cala Della Torre Club Hotel
The Hotel Club Cala della Torre is located in the Siniscola area, opposite the tourist port of La Caletta, a few steps from a beach of fine white sand with pink hues, surrounded by an immense pine forest. A structure with practical and comfortable environments, designed to welcome guests with professionalism and attention, with an eye to families. |
{ "id": "103294", "title": "Cala Della Torre Club Hotel", "description": "L\u2019Hotel Club Cala della Torre si trova nel territorio di Siniscola, di fronte al porto turistico de La Caletta, a pochi passi da una spiaggia di sabbia bianca e fine con sfumature rosate, attorniata da un\u2019immensa pineta. Una struttura dagli ambienti pratici e confortevoli, concepita per accogliere gli ospiti con professionalit\u00e0 e attenzione, con un occhio di riguardo rivolto alle famiglie.", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "cala-della-torre-club-hotel", "store_perma": "eden-hotel", "url": "", "store_id": "2387" }
Havaianas code • Used 3870 times Expires in 3 days
10% Discount Code
The first is a 10% discount on your next purchase at with this code. On the beach, in the sun and with friends, share with us the best moments that this summer has in store for you. |
{ "id": "55363", "title": "Sconto 10%", "description": "Il primo \u00e8 uno sconto del 10% sul tuo prossimo acquisto su con questo codice. In spiaggia, tra sole e amici, condividi con noi i pi\u00f9 bei momenti che quest'estate ha in serbo per te.", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "WELCOME10", "perma": "sconto-10", "store_perma": "havaianas", "url": "", "store_id": "2521" }
Sensilab offer • Used 107 times Expires in 4 days
Free SlimJOY
SlimJOY capsules 1+1 FREE. If you're feeling bombarded with ideas on how to lose weight for swimsuit rehearsal, stop worrying. We present our help for effective weight loss, but without too many sacrifices. SlimJOY capsules contain an innovative formula that inhibits the absorption of fats and sugars. |
{ "id": "51104", "title": "Omaggio SlimJOY", "description": "SlimJOY capsule 1+1 GRATIS. Se ti senti bombardata con idee su come perdere peso per la prova costume, smettila di preoccuparti. Ti presentiamo il nostro aiuto per un dimagrimento efficace, ma senza troppe rinunce. Le capsule SlimJOY contengono una formula innovattiva che inibisce l'assorbimento dei grassi e dei zuccheri.", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "omaggio-slimjoy", "store_perma": "sensilab", "url": "", "store_id": "1515" }
Tezenis offer • Used 3189 times Expires in 4 days
Products on offer
Many products for sale in the stores on Tezenis, choose which to buy among the new collections and outlet models at convenient prices: bras, sweaters, briefs, tank tops w bikinis. |
{ "id": "28697", "title": "Prodotti in offerta", "description": "Tanti prodotti in vendita sugli store presenti su Tezenis, scegli quali acquistare fra le nuove collezioni e i modelli outlet a prezzi convenienti: reggiseni, maglie, slip, canotte w bikini.", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "prodotti-in-offerta", "store_perma": "tezenis", "url": "", "store_id": "1734" }
Yamamay code • Used 219 times Expires in 3 days
15% Discount Code
You will immediately receive a 15% discount and you will always be updated on our news and promotions. |
{ "id": "60331", "title": "Sconto 15%", "description": "Riceverai subito uno sconto del 15% e sarai sempre aggiornato sulle novit\u00e0 e le nostre promozioni.", "thumbnail": "", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "tramite newsletter", "perma": "sconto-15", "store_perma": "yamamay", "url": "", "store_id": "1314" }
UGG offer • Used 115 times Expires in 4 days
Promotional sandals
Flip flops and sandals are our best friends in summer, as well as being ideal companions for outdoor activities. UGG® offers you a great selection of comfortable flip flops and elegant, high quality women's sandals. Whether you need them for the beach, at home or for any other occasion, you're sure to find them on the UGG® site. |
{ "id": "37597", "title": "Sandali in promozione", "description": "Infradito e sandali sono i nostri migliori amici dell\u2019estate, oltre ad essere compagni ideali per le attivit\u00e0 all'aperto. UGG\u00ae ti offre una grande scelta di comode infradito e eleganti sandali da donna, di alta qualit\u00e0. Sia che ti servano per la spiaggia, per casa o per qualsiasi altra occasione, sul sito UGG\u00ae le trovi di sicuro.", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "sandali-in-promozione", "store_perma": "ugg", "url": "", "store_id": "1934" }
Welcome to our Bikini Store section! We are pleased to offer you the best online stores that sell bikinis and swimwear. We have a large selection of brands and styles available, from sporty style to elegant and refined looks. And it doesn't end there! We also have access to exclusive discount codes and special promotions at these stores. You can take advantage of great offers on your purchases, so be sure to check our section often to discover the latest offers. No matter what style you prefer or what budget you have, you are sure to find the perfect bikini for you here. Hurry up and visit our Bikini Store section today to start saving!