Coupon code
Promotional codes 2024 offer Expires in 4 days
25% off Microsoft 365 Personal
Microsoft 365 Personal License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Multi-Language Number of Users: 1 Number of Devices: 5 Operating System: Windows / Mac / Andorid / Ios License Duration: 12 Months Microsoft 365 Personal License Microsoft 365 Personal is a software package that offers a complete experience with the latest versions of Office tools, such as Word, Excel and... |
{ "id": "14093375", "title": "Sconto 25% Microsoft 365 Personal", "description": "Microsoft 365 Personal Licenza Originale e Garantita da Lingua:\u00a0Multi-Lingua Numero Utenti: 1 Numero Dispositivi: 5 Sistema Operativo:\u00a0Windows \/ Mac \/ Andorid \/ Ios Durata Licenza: 12 Mesi Microsoft 365 Personal Licenza Microsoft 365 Personal \u00e8 un pacchetto software che offre un'esperienza completa con le ultime versioni degli strumenti Office, come Word, Excel e PowerPoint, insieme a 1000 GB di spazio di archiviazione cloud gratuito. Questo significa che puoi salvare i tuoi documenti, foto e file importanti online e accedervi da qualsiasi dispositivo, ovunque tu sia. Con Microsoft 365 Personal, hai la possibilit\u00e0 di installare il software su diversi tipi di dispositivi, inclusi PC, Mac, tablet e smartphone. Inoltre, questa licenza ti consente di utilizzare le app Office su un massimo di cinque dispositivi, il che ti offre flessibilit\u00e0 e praticit\u00e0 nell'utilizzo dei tuoi strumenti preferiti ovunque tu vada. Questa versione rappresenta un passo avanti rispetto alla precedente Office 365, poich\u00e9 introduce nuove funzionalit\u00e0 basate sull'intelligenza artificiale che rendono il tuo lavoro pi\u00f9 efficiente e creativo. Grazie ai bellissimi modelli e contenuti disponibili, puoi creare presentazioni accattivanti, documenti ben strutturati e fogli di calcolo dettagliati in modo pi\u00f9 rapido e semplice. Inoltre, Microsoft 365 Personal ti garantisce accesso continuo agli aggiornamenti delle applicazioni, assicurandoti di avere sempre le ultime funzionalit\u00e0 e miglioramenti a portata di mano. Con la possibilit\u00e0 di installare il software su pi\u00f9 dispositivi e accedere a diverse lingue, questo pacchetto si adatta alle tue esigenze professionali e personali, offrendoti la flessibilit\u00e0 di lavorare in modo efficiente in qualsiasi situazione. Microsoft 365 Personal Download Acquistando il prodotto su, ...", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "100562408-microsoft-365-personal", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "", "store_id": "5080" } offer Expires in 4 days
38% discount Symantec Norton Secure VPN
Norton Secure VPN License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Multi-Language Number of Devices: 1 Operating System: Windows / Mac / Android / Ios License Duration: 1 Year Norton Secure VPN License Norton Secure VPN: protect your personal information, such as passwords, banking data and credit card information, when you browse on public Wi-Fi networks using your... |
{ "id": "14092171", "title": "Sconto 38% Symantec Norton Secure VPN", "description": "Norton Secure VPN Licenza Originale e Garantita da Lingua:\u00a0Multi-Lingua Numero Dispositivi: 1 Sistema Operativo:\u00a0Windows \/ Mac \/ Android \/ Ios Durata Licenza: 1 Anno Norton Secure VPN Licenza Norton Secure VPN: proteggi le tue informazioni personali, come password, dati bancari e informazioni sulla carta di credito, quando navighi su reti Wi-Fi pubbliche utilizzando il tuo computer, Mac o dispositivo mobile. La crittografia \u00e8 estremamente sicura, consentendo di navigare in tutta sicurezza su hotspot Wi-Fi pubblici e reti non protette con il tuo Mac, PC o dispositivo mobile. Naviga in modo anonimo sul Web per proteggere la tua privacy online da inserzionisti e altre societ\u00e0 interessate a monitorare le tue attivit\u00e0. Con la VPN Norton, puoi accedere ai tuoi siti web, video o app preferiti anche quando sei in movimento. Blocca il tracciamento degli annunci per evitare che inserzionisti e altre societ\u00e0 monitorino le tue attivit\u00e0 online utilizzando tecnologie di tracciamento indesiderate. Norton Secure VPN Download Perch\u00e9 scegliere la VPN di Norton: Crittografia\u00a0sicura, utilizza il tuo Mac, PC o dispositivo mobile in sicurezza, anche negli hotspot Wi-Fi pubblici e nelle reti non protette. Navigazione anonima sul web, cos\u00ec la tua privacy online \u00e8 protetta dagli inserzionisti online e da altre aziende che vogliono tracciare la tua attivit\u00e0. Accesso in movimento con Norton Secure VPN, puoi accedere ai tuoi siti web, video o app preferiti anche quando sei in viaggio. Blocca il tracciamento degli annunci indesiderati per impedire agli inserzionisti online e ad altre aziende di tracciare la tua attivit\u00e0 online. Come Fanno le ...", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "100562408-symantec-norton-secure-vpn", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "", "store_id": "5080" } offer Expires in 3 days
11% off Kaspersky Plus (Internet Security) - 2 years, 5 ...
Kaspersky Plus (Internet Security) Original License and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/5 Operating System: Windows / Mac License Duration: 1/2 Years Kaspersky Plus License Kaspersky Plus is an advanced software designed to protect your computer from online threats. This security suite offers a wide range of features to ensure your... |
{ "id": "14090658", "title": "Sconto 11% Kaspersky Plus (Internet Security) - 2 anni , 5 ...", "description": "Kaspersky Plus (Internet Security) Licenza Originale e Garantita da Lingua:\u00a0Italiano Numero Dispositivi: 1\/5 Sistema Operativo:\u00a0Windows \/ Mac Durata Licenza: 1\/2 Anni Kaspersky Plus Licenza Kaspersky Plus\u00a0\u00e8 un software avanzato progettato per proteggere il tuo computer da minacce online. Questa suite di sicurezza offre una vasta gamma di funzionalit\u00e0 per garantire la tua tranquillit\u00e0 mentre navighi su Internet. Una delle caratteristiche principali di Kaspersky Plus \u00e8 la sua capacit\u00e0 di rilevare e bloccare diversi tipi di malware, come virus, ransomware, spyware e trojan. Questi programmi dannosi possono infiltrarsi nel tuo sistema senza che tu te ne accorga e causare danni irreparabili ai tuoi file e alla tua privacy. Kaspersky Plus Download Grazie alle tecniche avanzate di rilevamento implementate da Kaspersky, puoi stare tranquillo sapendo che il tuo computer \u00e8 al sicuro. Kaspersky Plus offre anche strumenti aggiuntivi per proteggere la tua privacy online. La suite include un firewall che monitora costantemente il traffico Internet in entrata e in uscita dal tuo computer, bloccando potenziali minacce provenienti da fonti sospette. Inoltre, il software include anche una funzione di scansione delle vulnerabilit\u00e0 del sistema, che ti avvisa se ci sono aggiornamenti di sicurezza critici che devono essere installati per proteggere il tuo dispositivo da potenziali attacchi informatici. Infine, Kaspersky Plus offre anche strumenti per proteggere la tua identit\u00e0 online. La suite di Kaspersky offre una funzione di protezione anti-phishing che segnala la presenza di siti sospetti che cercano di rubare informazioni personali. Inoltre, il software include un pratico gestore di password per garantire una ...", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "100562408-kaspersky-plus-(internet-security)-2-anni-,-5-dispositivi", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "", "store_id": "5080" }
Promotional Codes and Offers offer Expires in 4 days
25% off Microsoft 365 Personal
Microsoft 365 Personal License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Multi-Language Number of Users: 1 Number of Devices: 5 Operating System: Windows / Mac / Andorid / Ios License Duration: 12 Months Microsoft 365 Personal License Microsoft 365 Personal is a software package that offers a complete experience with the latest versions of Office tools, such as Word, Excel and... |
{ "id": "14093375", "title": "Sconto 25% Microsoft 365 Personal", "description": "Microsoft 365 Personal Licenza Originale e Garantita da Lingua:\u00a0Multi-Lingua Numero Utenti: 1 Numero Dispositivi: 5 Sistema Operativo:\u00a0Windows \/ Mac \/ Andorid \/ Ios Durata Licenza: 12 Mesi Microsoft 365 Personal Licenza Microsoft 365 Personal \u00e8 un pacchetto software che offre un'esperienza completa con le ultime versioni degli strumenti Office, come Word, Excel e PowerPoint, insieme a 1000 GB di spazio di archiviazione cloud gratuito. Questo significa che puoi salvare i tuoi documenti, foto e file importanti online e accedervi da qualsiasi dispositivo, ovunque tu sia. Con Microsoft 365 Personal, hai la possibilit\u00e0 di installare il software su diversi tipi di dispositivi, inclusi PC, Mac, tablet e smartphone. Inoltre, questa licenza ti consente di utilizzare le app Office su un massimo di cinque dispositivi, il che ti offre flessibilit\u00e0 e praticit\u00e0 nell'utilizzo dei tuoi strumenti preferiti ovunque tu vada. Questa versione rappresenta un passo avanti rispetto alla precedente Office 365, poich\u00e9 introduce nuove funzionalit\u00e0 basate sull'intelligenza artificiale che rendono il tuo lavoro pi\u00f9 efficiente e creativo. Grazie ai bellissimi modelli e contenuti disponibili, puoi creare presentazioni accattivanti, documenti ben strutturati e fogli di calcolo dettagliati in modo pi\u00f9 rapido e semplice. Inoltre, Microsoft 365 Personal ti garantisce accesso continuo agli aggiornamenti delle applicazioni, assicurandoti di avere sempre le ultime funzionalit\u00e0 e miglioramenti a portata di mano. Con la possibilit\u00e0 di installare il software su pi\u00f9 dispositivi e accedere a diverse lingue, questo pacchetto si adatta alle tue esigenze professionali e personali, offrendoti la flessibilit\u00e0 di lavorare in modo efficiente in qualsiasi situazione. Microsoft 365 Personal Download Acquistando il prodotto su, ...", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "100562408-microsoft-365-personal", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "", "store_id": "5080" } offer Expires in 4 days
38% discount Symantec Norton Secure VPN
Norton Secure VPN License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Multi-Language Number of Devices: 1 Operating System: Windows / Mac / Android / Ios License Duration: 1 Year Norton Secure VPN License Norton Secure VPN: protect your personal information, such as passwords, banking data and credit card information, when you browse on public Wi-Fi networks using your... |
{ "id": "14092171", "title": "Sconto 38% Symantec Norton Secure VPN", "description": "Norton Secure VPN Licenza Originale e Garantita da Lingua:\u00a0Multi-Lingua Numero Dispositivi: 1 Sistema Operativo:\u00a0Windows \/ Mac \/ Android \/ Ios Durata Licenza: 1 Anno Norton Secure VPN Licenza Norton Secure VPN: proteggi le tue informazioni personali, come password, dati bancari e informazioni sulla carta di credito, quando navighi su reti Wi-Fi pubbliche utilizzando il tuo computer, Mac o dispositivo mobile. La crittografia \u00e8 estremamente sicura, consentendo di navigare in tutta sicurezza su hotspot Wi-Fi pubblici e reti non protette con il tuo Mac, PC o dispositivo mobile. Naviga in modo anonimo sul Web per proteggere la tua privacy online da inserzionisti e altre societ\u00e0 interessate a monitorare le tue attivit\u00e0. Con la VPN Norton, puoi accedere ai tuoi siti web, video o app preferiti anche quando sei in movimento. Blocca il tracciamento degli annunci per evitare che inserzionisti e altre societ\u00e0 monitorino le tue attivit\u00e0 online utilizzando tecnologie di tracciamento indesiderate. Norton Secure VPN Download Perch\u00e9 scegliere la VPN di Norton: Crittografia\u00a0sicura, utilizza il tuo Mac, PC o dispositivo mobile in sicurezza, anche negli hotspot Wi-Fi pubblici e nelle reti non protette. Navigazione anonima sul web, cos\u00ec la tua privacy online \u00e8 protetta dagli inserzionisti online e da altre aziende che vogliono tracciare la tua attivit\u00e0. Accesso in movimento con Norton Secure VPN, puoi accedere ai tuoi siti web, video o app preferiti anche quando sei in viaggio. Blocca il tracciamento degli annunci indesiderati per impedire agli inserzionisti online e ad altre aziende di tracciare la tua attivit\u00e0 online. Come Fanno le ...", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "100562408-symantec-norton-secure-vpn", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "", "store_id": "5080" } offer Expires in 3 days
11% off Kaspersky Plus (Internet Security) - 2 years, 5 ...
Kaspersky Plus (Internet Security) Original License and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/5 Operating System: Windows / Mac License Duration: 1/2 Years Kaspersky Plus License Kaspersky Plus is an advanced software designed to protect your computer from online threats. This security suite offers a wide range of features to ensure your... |
{ "id": "14090658", "title": "Sconto 11% Kaspersky Plus (Internet Security) - 2 anni , 5 ...", "description": "Kaspersky Plus (Internet Security) Licenza Originale e Garantita da Lingua:\u00a0Italiano Numero Dispositivi: 1\/5 Sistema Operativo:\u00a0Windows \/ Mac Durata Licenza: 1\/2 Anni Kaspersky Plus Licenza Kaspersky Plus\u00a0\u00e8 un software avanzato progettato per proteggere il tuo computer da minacce online. Questa suite di sicurezza offre una vasta gamma di funzionalit\u00e0 per garantire la tua tranquillit\u00e0 mentre navighi su Internet. Una delle caratteristiche principali di Kaspersky Plus \u00e8 la sua capacit\u00e0 di rilevare e bloccare diversi tipi di malware, come virus, ransomware, spyware e trojan. Questi programmi dannosi possono infiltrarsi nel tuo sistema senza che tu te ne accorga e causare danni irreparabili ai tuoi file e alla tua privacy. Kaspersky Plus Download Grazie alle tecniche avanzate di rilevamento implementate da Kaspersky, puoi stare tranquillo sapendo che il tuo computer \u00e8 al sicuro. Kaspersky Plus offre anche strumenti aggiuntivi per proteggere la tua privacy online. La suite include un firewall che monitora costantemente il traffico Internet in entrata e in uscita dal tuo computer, bloccando potenziali minacce provenienti da fonti sospette. Inoltre, il software include anche una funzione di scansione delle vulnerabilit\u00e0 del sistema, che ti avvisa se ci sono aggiornamenti di sicurezza critici che devono essere installati per proteggere il tuo dispositivo da potenziali attacchi informatici. Infine, Kaspersky Plus offre anche strumenti per proteggere la tua identit\u00e0 online. La suite di Kaspersky offre una funzione di protezione anti-phishing che segnala la presenza di siti sospetti che cercano di rubare informazioni personali. Inoltre, il software include un pratico gestore di password per garantire una ...", "thumbnail": "../../nologomini-512.png", "gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"], "code": "", "perma": "100562408-kaspersky-plus-(internet-security)-2-anni-,-5-dispositivi", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "", "store_id": "5080" }
Things to know about
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These codes have just expired, sometimes they can last beyond their expiration date, you can try to see if these promotions are still active to spend less.
{ "id": "14065251", "title": "Sconto 33%", "description": "Ashampoo 3D Architecture 10 Licenza originale e garantita da Lingua: Multi-Lingua Durata Licenza: Senza Scadenza Sistema Operativo: Windows Dispositivi: 1 Ashampoo 3D Architecture 10 è un software di progettazione architettonica in 3D. Consente agli utenti di creare modelli dettagliati e visualizzazioni di edifici esterni e interni. Gli architetti, i progettisti e gli appassionati di home design possono pianificare, progettare e visualizzare progetti in modo intuitivo e realistico, è una scelta eccellente sia per i principianti che per gli utenti esperti, intuitivo e facile da utilizzare, ma offre anche funzionalità potenti per progetti più impegnativi. Il software comprende una procedura guidata integrata che ti guiderà passo dopo passo per raggiungere i tuoi risultati rapidamente ed in modo affidabile. Le viste 2D, 3D e a sezione trasversale ti permettono di controllare il tuo progetto in ogni suo aspetto, individuando istantaneamente le parti o le sezioni mancanti che necessitano di più lavoro. Che tu stia costruendo o ridecorando una casa, visualizza in anticipo come sarà il progetto finito in modo semplice e veloce. Ashampoo 3D Architecture 10 Download Acquistando il software dallo shop di Licensel, avrai accesso illimitato a tutte le principali funzionalità del programma. Alcune funzionalità del software comprendono: Catalogo con gruppi di garage prefabbricati, cucine, casette da giardino e saune Nuovi strumenti di input numerico per le pareti Nuovi strumenti di inserimento numerico per finestre e porte Nuovi strumenti di modifica numerica per pareti, finestre e porte Componenti aggiuntivi per porte e finestre, cassonetti per tapparelle, persiane, rivestimenti Crea le tue directory di catalogo e ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "Non più attivo", "perma": "100562408-ashampoo-3d-architecture-10", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=14065251&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" }
33% discount
Ashampoo 3D Architecture 10 Original License and Guaranteed by Language: Multi-Language License Term: Never Expired Operating System: Windows Devices: 1 Ashampoo 3D Architecture 10 is a 3D architectural design software. It allows users to create detailed models and visualizations of exterior and interior buildings. Architects, planners and home design enthusiasts can plan, design and visualize projects in an intuitive and realistic way. It is an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced users, intuitive and easy to use, but also offers powerful features for more challenging projects. The software includes an integrated wizard that will guide you step by step to achieve your results quickly and reliably. The 2D, 3D and cross-section views allow you to check your project in every aspect, instantly identifying missing parts or sections that need more work. Whether you are building or redecorating a house, visualize in advance what the finished project will look like quickly and easily. Ashampoo 3D Architecture 10 Download By purchasing the software from the Licensel shop, you will have unlimited access to all the main features of the program. Some of the software features include: Catalog with groups of prefabricated garages, kitchens, garden houses and saunas New numerical input tools for walls New numerical input tools for windows and doors New numerical editing tools for walls, windows and doors Add-ons for doors and windows, roller shutter boxes, blinds, cladding Create your own catalog directories and ... |
{ "id": "14063723", "title": "20% Discount", "description": "Kaspersky Plus (Internet Security) Original License and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/5 Operating System: Windows / Mac License Duration: 1/2 Years Kaspersky Plus License Kaspersky Plus is an advanced software designed to protect your computer from online threats. This security suite offers a wide range of features to ensure your peace of mind while browsing the Internet. One of the key features of Kaspersky Plus is its ability to detect and block different types of malware, such as viruses, ransomware, spyware and Trojans. These malicious programs can infiltrate your system without you knowing and cause irreparable damage to your files and privacy. Kaspersky Plus Download Thanks to the advanced detection techniques implemented by Kaspersky, you can rest easy knowing that your computer is safe. Kaspersky Plus also offers additional tools to protect your privacy online. The suite includes a firewall that constantly monitors the Internet traffic going in and out of your computer, blocking potential threats from suspicious sources. In addition, the software also includes a system vulnerability scan feature, which notifies you if there are critical security updates that need to be installed to protect your device from potential cyber attacks. Finally, Kaspersky Plus also offers tools to protect your online identity. Kaspersky’s suite offers an anti-phishing protection feature that warns you of suspicious sites that are trying to steal your personal information. Additionally, the software includes a handy password manager to ensure a ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-kaspersky-plus-(internet-security)-2-years-,-1-device", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=14063723&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" } 20% discount
Kaspersky Plus (Internet Security) Original License and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/5 Operating System: Windows / Mac License Duration: 1/2 Years Kaspersky Plus License Kaspersky Plus is an advanced software designed to protect your computer from online threats. This security suite offers a wide range of features to ensure your peace of mind while browsing the Internet. One of the key features of Kaspersky Plus is its ability to detect and block different types of malware, such as viruses, ransomware, spyware and Trojans. These malicious programs can infiltrate your system without you knowing and cause irreparable damage to your files and privacy. Kaspersky Plus Download Thanks to the advanced detection techniques implemented by Kaspersky, you can rest easy knowing that your computer is safe. Kaspersky Plus also offers additional tools to protect your online privacy. The suite includes a firewall that constantly monitors Internet traffic to and from your computer, blocking potential threats from suspicious sources. Additionally, the software also includes a system vulnerability scan feature, which notifies you if there are critical security updates that need to be installed to protect your device from potential cyber attacks. Finally, Kaspersky Plus also offers tools to protect your online identity. Kaspersky's suite offers an anti-phishing protection feature that warns you of suspicious sites that are trying to steal your personal information. Additionally, the software includes a handy password manager to ensure a ... |
Parallels Desktop Standard 14060856 Mac License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Multi-Language Number of Devices: 45 Operating System: Mac License Term: 18 Year / Perpetual Parallels Desktop Standard 1 Mac License Parallels Desktop Standard 1 Mac License allows you to run Windows and macOS simultaneously on your computer. Its main features include running Windows applications on Intel or Apple Mac computers, easily exchanging text and files between the two operating systems, optimization for Windows 18 and macOS Ventura. You will also have the ability to develop and test with different operating systems in a Mac virtual machine and the inclusion of Parallels Toolbox, which offers over 18 one-touch tools for Mac and PC. How Do Licenses Have a Low Price? Since they are used retail licenses and discontinued by the previous owner, you can purchase them from us at a more affordable price. These official licenses are compliant and guaranteed at the best price on the market. Is the Product Downloaded from the Official Website? Of course, the product is downloaded from the official website, no external links are used, only official links. What Do I Get Once I Purchase? By purchasing this product you will receive the digital software to download and install, the product key for activation and all the instructions for correct installation. Are you afraid of not being able to install? No problem! We provide direct assistance with remote support available to you 11/40 even on holidays. FAQS What is Parallels Desktop Standard 24 Mac? Parallels Desktop allows you to run Windows and macOS on your computer at the same time. The license ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_7.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "18-parallels-desktop-standard-5080-mac-100562408-year", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go18.php?coupon_id=1&store_id=2", "store_id": "14060856" }
45% discount
Parallels Desktop Standard 18 Mac License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Multi-Language Number of Devices: 1 Operating System: Mac License Term: 1 Year / Perpetual Parallels Desktop Standard 18 Mac License Parallels Desktop Standard 18 Mac License allows you to run Windows and macOS simultaneously on your computer. Its main features include running Windows applications on Intel or Apple Mac computers, easily exchanging text and files between the two operating systems, optimization for Windows 11 and macOS Ventura. You will also have the ability to develop and test with different operating systems in a Mac virtual machine and the inclusion of Parallels Toolbox, which offers over 40 one-touch tools for Mac and PC. How Are the Licenses Low in Price? Since they are used retail licenses and discontinued by the previous owner, you can buy them from us at a more convenient price. These official licenses are compliant and guaranteed at the best price on the market. Is the Product Downloaded from the Official Website? Of course, the product download is from the official website, no external links are used, only official links. What Do I Get Once I Purchase? By purchasing this product you will receive the digital software to download and install, the product key for activation and all the instructions for correct installation. Are you afraid of not being able to install? No problem! We provide direct assistance with remote support available to you 24/7 even on holidays. FAQS What is Parallels Desktop Standard 18 Mac? Parallels Desktop allows you to run Windows and macOS on your computer at the same time. The license ... |
{ "id": "14059382", "title": "43% Discount", "description": "Mcafee Internet Security License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/Unlimited Operating System: Windows / Mac License Duration: 1 Year Mcafee Internet Security License Mcafee Internet Security is an essential software to protect your devices from online threats. In addition to antivirus and antimalware protection, which identifies and removes harmful viruses, the software offers a firewall that acts as a defensive barrier against external cyber attacks. This means that the software continuously monitors suspicious activity and prevents unauthorized access to your system. When it comes to your privacy, Mcafee Internet Security provides advanced tools to protect your personal data and prevent identity theft. The phishing protection feature can detect and block fake websites that try to steal your sensitive information. If you have children, the built-in parental controls allow you to monitor and limit access to inappropriate online content for your little ones. Additionally, the password manager helps you keep your online credentials safe. To improve the performance of your device, the software includes special features that optimize the efficiency and response speed of the system. You can also back up your data to cloud storage to ensure its safety in case of emergency. Mcafee Internet Security offers a wide range of tools to protect you and your devices while you browse safely online. Mcafee Internet Security Download By purchasing Mcafee license from Licensel, you will receive the product key and ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-mcafee-internet-security-1-year-,-1-device", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=14059382&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" }
43% discount
Mcafee Internet Security License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/Unlimited Operating System: Windows / Mac License Term: 1 Year Mcafee Internet Security License Mcafee Internet Security is an essential software to protect your devices from online threats. In addition to antivirus and anti-malware protection, which identifies and removes harmful viruses, the software offers a firewall that acts as a defensive barrier against external cyber attacks. This means that the software continuously monitors suspicious activity and prevents unauthorized access to your system. When it comes to your privacy, Mcafee Internet Security provides advanced tools to protect your personal data and prevent identity theft. The phishing protection feature can detect and block fake websites that try to steal your sensitive information. If you have children, the integrated parental control allows you to monitor and limit access to inappropriate online content for the little ones. Additionally, the password manager helps you keep your online credentials safe. To improve the performance of your device, the software includes special features that optimize the efficiency and response speed of the system. You can also back up your data to cloud storage to ensure their safety in case of emergency. Mcafee Internet Security offers a wide range of tools to protect you and your devices while you surf safely online. Mcafee Internet Security Download By purchasing the Mcafee license from Licensel, you will receive the product key and ... |
{ "id": "14034317", "title": "63% off", "description": "Autodesk Civil 3D Original license and guaranteed by Education version license, complete with all features, can be used for personal and learning/training related purposes. It has no watermark and no reference to the education version in the print files. Language: Multi-Language License Term: Annual and Biennial Operating System: Windows Devices: 1 Autodesk Civil 3D is an information model-based civil engineering and design software. It is specifically designed for the civil engineering and infrastructure design industry, enabling engineers, designers and architects to efficiently create, analyze, document and manage complex infrastructure projects. Autodesk Civil 3D Download Autodesk Civil 3D provides all the tools needed to create, edit and publish drawings of roads, highways, bridges, railways, canals and junctions, allowing you to create intelligent designs. Civil 3D users can quickly document projects using the latest data capture technology, create 3D artwork to interactively visualize projects, produce a wide range of reports, and perform advanced calculations to support complex master planning. With the intelligent model-based work environment, you can improve design decisions and simplify the construction phases With the automated production of floor plans, you can simplify construction documentation To have greater collaboration in every phase of the projects and to reduce the time needed for design and related changes, the potential of BIM is exploited For the requirements ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-autodesk-civil-3d-windows-,-1-year-,-2023", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=14034317&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" }
63% discount
Autodesk Civil 3D Original license and guaranteed by Education license, full functionality, can be used for personal and learning/training purposes. It has no watermark and no reference to the education version in the print files. Language: Multi-Language License Term: Annual and Biennial Operating System: Windows Devices: 1 Autodesk Civil 3D is an information model-based civil engineering and design software. It is specifically designed for the civil engineering and infrastructure design industry, enabling engineers, designers and architects to efficiently create, analyze, document and manage complex infrastructure projects. Autodesk Civil 3D Download Autodesk Civil 3D provides all the tools needed to create, edit and publish drawings of roads, highways, bridges, railways, canals and junctions, allowing you to create intelligent designs. Civil 3D users can quickly document projects using the latest data capture technology, create 3D artwork to interactively visualize projects, produce a wide range of reports, and perform advanced calculations to support complex master planning. Improve design decisions and streamline construction with an intelligent, model-based work environment. Simplify construction documentation with automated floor plan production. Leverage the power of BIM to improve collaboration at every stage of projects and reduce the time needed for design and design changes. For the requirements ... |
{ "id": "14033208", "title": "20% Discount", "description": "Hma Pro VPN License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Multi-Language License Term: 1-2-3 Years Operating System: Windows / Mac / Android / iOS Devices: Unlimited Hma Pro VPN License HMA Pro VPN is a tool that allows you to browse the Internet safely and privately. When you use this service, your connection is protected with a type of encryption that is also used in online banking transactions. This means that your data is safe and cannot be intercepted by third parties. Furthermore, HMA Pro VPN allows you to encrypt your data even when you connect to a public Wi-Fi network, which is often less secure than a private network. Another advantage of using HMA VPN software is the ability to hide your IP address. This means that your location and online identity become virtually anonymous, making you untraceable to websites or individuals who may be trying to monitor your online activities. With this tool, you can also enjoy your favorite TV shows and sports events wherever you are. With the ability to stream content from different parts of the world, HMA Pro VPN allows you to bypass geographical restrictions and access a wide range of online content. Finally, another plus point of HMA Pro VPN is its compatibility with different devices and operating systems. Whether you are using an Android, iOS, Windows, Linux or Mac device, this product is designed to work on all of them ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-hma-pro-vpn-2-years-,-unlimited", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=14033208&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" } 20% discount
Hma Pro VPN License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Multi-Language License Term: 1-2-3 Years Operating System: Windows / Mac / Android / iOS Devices: Unlimited Hma Pro VPN License HMA Pro VPN is a tool that allows you to browse the Internet safely and privately. When you use this service, your connection is protected with a type of encryption that is also used in online banking transactions. This means that your data is safe and cannot be intercepted by third parties. In addition, HMA Pro VPN allows you to encrypt your data even when you connect to a public Wi-Fi network, which is often less secure than a private network. Another advantage of using HMA VPN software is the ability to hide your IP address. This means that your location and online identity become virtually anonymous, making you untraceable to websites or individuals who may try to monitor your online activities. With this tool, you can also enjoy your favorite TV shows and sports events wherever you are. With the ability to stream content from different parts of the world, HMA Pro VPN allows you to bypass geo-restrictions and access a wide range of online content. Finally, another plus point of HMA Pro VPN is its compatibility with different devices and operating systems. Whether you are using an Android, iOS, Windows, Linux or Mac device, this product is designed to work on all of these ... |
{ "id": "14031648", "title": "17% Discount", "description": "Kaspersky Standard (Antivirus) Original License and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/5 Operating System: Windows License Duration: 1/2 Years Kaspersky Standard License Kaspersky Standard is one of the best antivirus programs available on the market to protect your computer from any type of malicious threat. Thanks to its advanced detection technology, this software is able to detect and neutralize viruses, ransomware, spyware and Trojans before they can infect your device. These types of malware are designed to damage your files and steal your personal information, but with Kaspersky Standard you can rest easy knowing that your computer is safe. One of the most appreciated features of Kaspersky Standard is its ability to carry out deep system scans quickly and efficiently. This means that not only can the software detect existing threats on your computer, but it can also prevent potential future attacks, ensuring constant, reliable protection. In addition, Kaspersky Standard offers a wide range of customizable tools and features to suit your specific needs. You can schedule automatic scans based on your computer usage, set blocking rules for certain websites or suspicious applications, and receive real-time notifications when threats are detected. Kaspersky Standard not only protects your computer from malware, it also helps improve overall system performance. By reducing the processor’s workload and optimizing available memory, the software ensures effective protection and a smoother computing experience. Kaspersky Standard Download Una ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-kaspersky-standard-(antivirus)-2-years-,-3-devices", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=14031648&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" }
17% discount
Kaspersky Standard (Antivirus) Original License and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/5 Operating System: Windows License Term: 1/2 Years Kaspersky Standard License Kaspersky Standard is one of the best antivirus programs available on the market to protect your computer from any type of malicious threat. Thanks to its advanced detection technology, this software is able to detect and neutralize viruses, ransomware, spyware and Trojans before they can infect your device. These types of malware are designed to damage your files and steal your personal information, but with Kaspersky Standard you can rest easy knowing that your computer is safe. One of the most appreciated features of Kaspersky Standard is its ability to carry out in-depth system scans quickly and efficiently. This means that not only can the software detect existing threats on your computer, but it can also prevent potential future attacks, ensuring constant and reliable protection. In addition, Kaspersky Standard offers a wide range of customizable tools and features to adapt to your specific needs. You can schedule automatic scans based on your computer usage, set up blocking rules for certain suspicious websites or applications, and receive real-time notifications when threats are detected. Kaspersky Standard not only protects your computer from malware, it also helps improve overall system performance. By reducing the processor's workload and optimizing available memory, this software ensures effective protection and a smoother computing experience. Kaspersky Standard Download A ... |
{ "id": "14028768", "title": "63% off", "description": "Autodesk Revit Original and guaranteed license from Education version license, full of features, can be used for personal and learning/training related purposes. It has no watermark and no reference to the education version in the print files. Language: Multi-Language License Term: Annual and Biennial Operating System: Windows Devices: 1 Autodesk Revit is an information modeling software for the design and construction of buildings. It is widely used in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry to create intelligent and complete 3D models that integrate information about geometry, materials, construction phases, performance, and more. Autodesk Revit Download Download the official and guaranteed license of Autodesk Revit: the license offers all the functionality of Autodesk Revit Architecture, Autodesk Revit MEP and Autodesk Revit Structure in a single application. Revit supports integration with the Autodesk Insight 360 application, which provides insight into operations and asset usage to manage energy and environmental performance throughout the building lifecycle. The software includes communication management tools that allow teams to share files, work on projects simultaneously, and add project markups in a shared workspace to facilitate collaboration across multiple departments. Features include process design and documentation, and 2D sheet import and export. Model 3D shapes and structures easily and with parametric precision Simplify documentation work with instant revisions whenever designs change Unify teams ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "Discontinued", "perma": "100562408-autodesk-revit-windows-,-1-year-,-2023", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=14028768&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" }
63% discount
Autodesk Revit Original and guaranteed license from Education license, full-featured, can be used for personal and learning/training purposes. No watermark or reference to the education version in print files. Language: Multi-Language License Term: Annual and Biennial Operating System: Windows Devices: 1 Autodesk Revit is an information modeling software for the design and construction of buildings. It is widely used in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry to create intelligent and complete 3D models that integrate information about geometry, materials, construction phases, performance, and more. Autodesk Revit Download Download the official and guaranteed license of Autodesk Revit: the license offers all the functionality of Autodesk Revit Architecture, Autodesk Revit MEP, and Autodesk Revit Structure in a single application. Revit supports integration with the Autodesk Insight 360 application, which provides insight into operations and asset usage to manage energy and environmental performance throughout the building lifecycle. The software includes communication management tools that allow teams to share files, work on projects simultaneously, and add markup to projects in a shared workspace to facilitate collaboration between multiple departments. Features include process design and documentation, 2D sheet import and export. Model 3D shapes and structures easily and with parametric accuracy Streamline documentation efforts with instant revisions whenever designs change Unify teams ... |
{ "id": "14028767", "title": "63% off", "description": "Autodesk Advance Steel Original license and guaranteed by Education version license, full functionality, can be used for personal and learning/training related purposes. It has no watermark and no reference to the education version in the print files. Language: Multi-Language License Term: Annual and Biennial Operating System: Windows Devices: 1 Autodesk Advance Steel is a structural design and detailing software specifically developed for the civil and structural engineering industry. It provides structural engineers, designers and detailers with a complete tool for modeling, design, fabrication and documentation of steel structures. Autodesk Advance Steel Download Automate repetitive tasks with an intelligent toolset. Generate complex structures in fewer steps with Dynamo Extension for Advance Steel. Use the parametric steel connection library and dedicated tools to speed up design and other tasks. By downloading Autodesk Advance Steel Italian, you will be able to: Create a continuous workflow for the design and detailing of projects in BIM Quickly move from design to production Simplify the fabrication and installation of steel To find out the system requirements click HERE. How Do Licenses Have a Low Price? Since they are used retail licenses and disposed of by the previous owner pursuant to EC ruling C-128/2011, it is possible to purchase them from us at a more convenient price. These licenses are official, compliant and guaranteed at the best price on the market. Is the Product Downloaded from the Official Website? Of course, the product download is from the official website, it is not used ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-autodesk-advance-steel-windows-,-1-year-,-2023", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=14028767&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" }
63% discount
Autodesk Advance Steel Original license and guaranteed by Full-featured education license, can be used for personal and learning/training purposes. No watermark or reference to education version in print files. Language: Multi-Language License Term: Annual and Biennial Operating System: Windows Devices: 1 Autodesk Advance Steel is a structural design and detailing software specifically developed for the civil and structural engineering industry. It provides structural engineers, designers and detailers with a complete tool for modeling, designing, manufacturing and documenting steel structures. Autodesk Advance Steel Download Automate repetitive tasks with an intelligent toolset. Generate complex structures in fewer steps with Dynamo Extension for Advance Steel. Use the parametric steel connection library and dedicated tools to speed up design and other tasks. By downloading Autodesk Advance Steel Italian, you will be able to: Create a continuous workflow for designing and detailing projects in BIM Quickly move from design to production Simplify steel fabrication and installation To find out the system requirements click HERE. How Do Licenses Have a Low Price? Since they are used retail licenses and disposed of by the previous owner pursuant to EC ruling C-128/2011, you can purchase them from us at a more convenient price. These licenses are official, compliant and guaranteed at the best price on the market. Is the Product Downloaded from the Official Website? Of course, the product is downloaded from the official website, it is not used ... |
{ "id": "14027210", "title": "53% Discount", "description": "Windows 10 Pro + Office 2021 Professional Plus Bind Licenses Original and Guaranteed by Language: Multi-Language Devices: 1 License Term: Perpetual (Does not expire) Microsoft Windows 10 Pro License Microsoft Windows 10 Pro is new yet familiar, easy to use, and packed with new features that make it easier for you to keep up with the times, be effective, and carry out your daily tasks. Windows 10 Pro includes the same range of features as Microsoft Windows 10 Home, but offers some additional features that are particularly interesting for ambitious home users and businesses. This includes domain connection, data encryption, remote desktop connections, and working with virtual machines. In addition, compatibility with Microsoft Office packages and major antivirus software ensures a complete computing experience. Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus Bind License Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus is a complete suite of productivity tools that includes a series of essential applications for work and study. In addition to the classic Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access and Publisher, this version also introduces Teams, which allows for greater collaboration through video conferencing and instant messaging. Owning Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus means having access to constantly updated software, thus ensuring a cutting-edge experience and in step with the latest technological innovations. This version of the software is designed to work optimally on Windows devices, offering high compatibility and smooth performance. With this license, both individuals and professionals and companies can benefit from all the advanced features offered by Office 2021 Professional Plus. ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-microsoft-windows-10-pro-+-office-2021-professional-plus-bind", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=14027210&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" }
53% discount
Windows 10 Pro + Office 2021 Professional Plus Bind Original and Guaranteed Licenses from Language: Multi-Language Devices: 1 License Term: Perpetual (Does not expire) Microsoft Windows 10 Pro License Microsoft Windows 10 Pro is new yet familiar, easy to use and packed with new features that make it easier for you to keep up with the times, be effective and carry out your daily tasks. Windows 10 Pro includes the same range of features as Microsoft Windows 10 Home, but offers some additional features that are particularly interesting for ambitious home users and businesses. This includes domain connection, data encryption, remote desktop connections and working with virtual machines. In addition, compatibility with Microsoft Office packages and major antivirus software ensures a complete computing experience. Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus Bind License Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus is a complete suite of productivity tools that includes a number of essential applications for work and study. In addition to the classic Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access and Publisher, this version also introduces Teams, which allows for greater collaboration through video conferencing and instant messaging. Owning Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus means having access to constantly updated software, thus ensuring a cutting-edge experience and in step with the latest technological innovations. This version of the software is designed to work optimally on Windows devices, offering high compatibility and smooth performance. Thanks to this license, both individuals and professionals and companies can benefit from all the advanced features offered by Office 2021 Professional Plus. ... |
{ "id": "14006355", "title": "15% Discount", "description": "Kaspersky Standard (Antivirus) Original License and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/5 Operating System: Windows License Duration: 1/2 Years Kaspersky Standard License Kaspersky Standard is one of the best antivirus programs available on the market to protect your computer from any type of malicious threat. Thanks to its advanced detection technology, this software is able to detect and neutralize viruses, ransomware, spyware and Trojans before they can infect your device. These types of malware are designed to damage your files and steal your personal information, but with Kaspersky Standard you can rest easy knowing that your computer is safe. One of the most appreciated features of Kaspersky Standard is its ability to carry out deep system scans quickly and efficiently. This means that not only can the software detect existing threats on your computer, but it can also prevent potential future attacks, ensuring constant, reliable protection. In addition, Kaspersky Standard offers a wide range of customizable tools and features to suit your specific needs. You can schedule automatic scans based on your computer usage, set blocking rules for certain websites or suspicious applications, and receive real-time notifications when threats are detected. Kaspersky Standard not only protects your computer from malware, it also helps improve overall system performance. By reducing the processor’s workload and optimizing available memory, the software ensures effective protection and a smoother computing experience. Kaspersky Standard Download Una ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-kaspersky-standard-(antivirus)-2-years-,-5-devices", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=14006355&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" }
15% discount
Kaspersky Standard (Antivirus) Original License and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/5 Operating System: Windows License Term: 1/2 Years Kaspersky Standard License Kaspersky Standard is one of the best antivirus programs available on the market to protect your computer from any type of malicious threat. Thanks to its advanced detection technology, this software is able to detect and neutralize viruses, ransomware, spyware and Trojans before they can infect your device. These types of malware are designed to damage your files and steal your personal information, but with Kaspersky Standard you can rest easy knowing that your computer is safe. One of the most appreciated features of Kaspersky Standard is its ability to carry out in-depth system scans quickly and efficiently. This means that not only can the software detect existing threats on your computer, but it can also prevent potential future attacks, ensuring constant and reliable protection. In addition, Kaspersky Standard offers a wide range of customizable tools and features to adapt to your specific needs. You can schedule automatic scans based on your computer usage, set up blocking rules for certain suspicious websites or applications, and receive real-time notifications when threats are detected. Kaspersky Standard not only protects your computer from malware, it also helps improve overall system performance. By reducing the processor's workload and optimizing available memory, this software ensures effective protection and a smoother computing experience. Kaspersky Standard Download A ... |
{ "id": "14001922", "title": "20% Discount", "description": "Mcafee Internet Security License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/Unlimited Operating System: Windows / Mac License Duration: 1 Year Mcafee Internet Security License Mcafee Internet Security is an essential software to protect your devices from online threats. In addition to antivirus and antimalware protection, which identifies and removes harmful viruses, the software offers a firewall that acts as a defensive barrier against external cyber attacks. This means that the software continuously monitors suspicious activity and prevents unauthorized access to your system. When it comes to your privacy, Mcafee Internet Security provides advanced tools to protect your personal data and prevent identity theft. The phishing protection feature can detect and block fake websites that try to steal your sensitive information. If you have children, the built-in parental controls allow you to monitor and limit access to inappropriate online content for your little ones. Additionally, password management helps you keep your online credentials safe. To improve the performance of your device, the software includes special features that optimize the efficiency and response speed of the system. You can also back up your data to cloud storage to ensure its safety in case of emergency. McAfee Internet Security offers a wide range of tools to protect you and your devices while you browse safely online. Mcafee Internet Security Download By purchasing Mcafee license from Licensel, you will receive the product key and ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-mcafee-internet-security-1-year-,-unlimited", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=14001922&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" } 20% discount
Mcafee Internet Security License Original and Guaranteed by Language: Italian Number of Devices: 1/Unlimited Operating System: Windows / Mac License Term: 1 Year Mcafee Internet Security License Mcafee Internet Security is an essential software to protect your devices from online threats. In addition to antivirus and anti-malware protection, which identifies and removes harmful viruses, the software offers a firewall that acts as a defensive barrier against external cyber attacks. This means that the software continuously monitors suspicious activity and prevents unauthorized access to your system. When it comes to your privacy, Mcafee Internet Security provides advanced tools to protect your personal data and prevent identity theft. The phishing protection feature can detect and block fake websites that try to steal your sensitive information. If you have children, the integrated parental control allows you to monitor and limit access to inappropriate online content for the little ones. Additionally, the password manager helps you keep your online credentials safe. To improve the performance of your device, the software includes special features that optimize the efficiency and response speed of the system. You can also back up your data to cloud storage to ensure their safety in case of emergency. Mcafee Internet Security offers a wide range of tools to protect you and your devices while you surf safely online. Mcafee Internet Security Download By purchasing the Mcafee license from Licensel, you will receive the product key and ... |
{ "id": "13998961", "title": "57% Discount", "description": "Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus Retail License Original and Guaranteed by Serial valid for one use, the license will be associated with your PC. Language: Multi-Language Number of Devices: 1 Operating System: Windows License Duration: Perpetual (No expiration) If you need the Office 2019 package for Mac, click here. Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus License Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus is the most complete business suite for companies that need multiple productivity programs in a single solution. In this version of Office 2019, all applications have been updated with the best features and new functions, making the suite intuitive and easy to use. Office 2019 Professional Plus includes the most essential and powerful tools for a company, in order to facilitate communication and sharing, to lighten the phases of daily work. Office 2019 Professional Plus includes the classic Office suite applications, as well as other programs such as OneDrive, Access, Publisher, Outlook, and Skype for Business, which help facilitate relationships between customers and collaborators. This product is a retail license, meaning a license that can be installed on a single device and does not expire. Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus Download Word: to create and share text documents of any kind thanks to innovative editing, review, and sharing tools. New in this version are the modernized and optimized interface, and tools such as voice recognition that allow dictation and pen input that, thanks to virtual ink, recognizes characters directly on the ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-microsoft-office-2019-professional-plus-1-dispositivo", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=13998961&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" }
57% discount
Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus Retail License Original and Guaranteed by Serial valid for one use, the license will be associated with your PC. Language: Multi-Language Number of Devices: 1 Operating System: Windows License Duration: Perpetual (No expiration) If you need the Office 2019 package for Mac, click here. Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus License Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus is the most complete business suite for companies that need multiple productivity programs in a single solution. In this version of Office 2019, all applications have been updated with the best features and new functionality, making the suite intuitive and easy to use. In Office 2019 Professional Plus, the most essential and powerful tools for a company have been included, in order to facilitate communication and sharing, to lighten the daily work phases. Office 2019 Professional Plus includes the classic Office suite applications, as well as other programs such as OneDrive, Access, Publisher, Outlook and Skype for Business, which help facilitate relationships between customers and collaborators. This product is a retail license, i.e. a license that can be installed on a single device and does not expire. Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus Download Word: to create and share text documents of any kind thanks to innovative editing, review and sharing tools. New in this version are the modernized and optimized interface, and tools such as voice recognition that allow dictation and pen input that, thanks to virtual ink, recognizes characters directly on the ... |
{ "id": "13997404", "title": "14% discount", "description": "Avast Secureline VPN Original and guaranteed license from Language: Italian License Term: 1/3 Years Operating System: Windows / Mac / Android / Ios Devices: 1/10 Avast Secureline VPN is a VPN service offered by Avast Software, designed to protect users' privacy and online security. More and more Internet users are purchasing a VPN. But what exactly does a VPN do? VPN is short for “Virtual Private Network” and is mainly used to surf the Internet completely anonymously. However, there are other reasons why you should purchase a VPN. In addition to complete anonymity of online activities, the networks also offer protection against hacker attacks on public WLAN networks. Avast VPN products such as Avast Secureline VPN are ideal for absolute protection and completely anonymous surfing. If you use a VPN, you no longer have to worry about your online security on public WLAN networks. In many cases, these are highly appreciated by hackers to gain unauthorized access to various devices. However, if you use a VPN, you minimize the risk of being a victim of a hacker attack and can surf a public WLAN without worries. Avast Secureline VPN, is a smart and easy-to-use software that offers users and businesses, practical tools to protect their connection from threats from hackers and scammers. Avast Secureline VPN Download Buy the official Avast Secureline VPN license now and discover all its benefits: Choose true privacy, prevent ISPs, hackers, employers and anyone ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-avast-secureline-vpn-1-year-,-10-devices", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=13997404&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" }
14% discount
Avast Secureline VPN Original and guaranteed license from Language: English License Term: 1/3 Years Operating System: Windows / Mac / Android / Ios Devices: 1/10 Avast Secureline VPN is a VPN service offered by Avast Software, designed to protect users' privacy and online security. More and more Internet users are purchasing a VPN. But what exactly does a VPN do? VPN is short for “Virtual Private Network” and is mainly used to surf the Internet completely anonymously. However, there are other reasons why you should purchase a VPN. In addition to complete anonymity of online activities, the networks also offer protection against hacker attacks on public WLAN networks. Avast VPN products such as Avast Secureline VPN are ideal for absolute protection and completely anonymous surfing. If you use a VPN, you no longer have to worry about your online security on public WLAN networks. In many cases, these are very popular with hackers to gain unauthorized access to various devices. However, if you use a VPN, you minimize the risk of being a victim of a hacker attack and can surf on a public WLAN without worries. Avast Secureline VPN is a smart and easy-to-use software that offers users and businesses practical tools to protect their connection from threats from hackers and scammers. Avast Secureline VPN Download Buy the official Avast Secureline VPN license now and discover all its advantages: Choose true privacy, prevent ISPs, hackers, employers and anyone ... |
{ "id": "13969064", "title": "52% off", "description": "Coreldraw Graphics Suite Original License and Guaranteed by Educational License, complete with all the software features Language: Multi-Language License Term: Perpetual (Does not expire) Operating System: Windows, Mac Devices: 1 Coreldraw Graphics Suite License Coreldraw Graphics Suite is an extremely versatile and powerful graphic design software that offers a wide range of tools to meet the needs of designers in different industries. With Coreldraw, you can create vector illustration projects that maintain image quality regardless of the size to which they are scaled. This is especially useful for large-scale printing, such as posters and banner ads. In addition, the software supports professional page layout, allowing users to arrange text, images and graphics in a precise and attractive way. Coreldraw Graphics Suite Download But the features of Coreldraw do not stop there. The software also includes advanced image editing tools that allow users to make precise changes to photos and raster graphics. This feature is especially useful for designers who work with photographs or who need to integrate raster elements into their vector designs. With Corldraw Graphics Suite, you can combine the world of vector and raster to create eye-catching, professional designs. In addition, the complete package also includes tools for creating complex print layouts, ideal for publishing projects such as magazines, brochures, and booklets. Coreldraw Graphics Suite is highly regarded by graphic design experts due to its user-friendly interface and many customization options. Regardless of your experience level, ...", "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.jpg", "code": "No longer active", "perma": "100562408-coreldraw-graphics-suite-mac-,-2022", "store_perma": "licensel", "url": "/go2.php?coupon_id=13969064&store_id=5080", "store_id": "5080" }
52% discount
Coreldraw Graphics Suite Original License and Guaranteed by Educational License, complete with all the software features Language: Multi-Language License Term: Perpetual (Does not expire) Operating System: Windows, Mac Devices: 1 License Coreldraw Graphics Suite Coreldraw Graphics Suite is an extremely versatile and powerful graphic design software that offers a wide range of tools to meet the needs of designers in various industries. With Corldraw, you can create vector illustration designs that maintain image quality regardless of the size to which they are scaled. This is especially useful for large-scale printing, such as posters and banner ads. In addition, the software supports professional page layout, allowing users to arrange text, images and graphics in a precise and attractive way. Coreldraw Graphics Suite Download But Coreldraw's features don't stop there. The software also includes advanced image editing tools, allowing users to make precise changes to photos and raster graphics. This feature is especially useful for designers who work with photographs or who need to integrate raster elements into their vector designs. With Corldraw Graphics Suite, you can combine the worlds of vector and raster to create eye-catching, professional designs. In addition, the complete package also includes tools for creating complex print layouts, ideal for publishing projects such as magazines, brochures, and booklets. Coreldraw Graphics Suite is highly regarded by graphic design experts due to its user-friendly interface and many customization options. Regardless of your level of experience, ... |
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Copy the promotional code from this page, insert it into the cart box of the online shop and see the final price with the discount applied.
How do I use a promotional offer?
Explore the section with the best offers and click on "Discover the Offer" to view the many opportunities present in the online store.
When do the sales on start?
The start date for the 2024 Winter Sale will be in January.
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