Black Friday Omio

Promotional codes Omio in April 2024

Planning your next trip but looking for an easy way to compare your transport options? Omio is the platform that can help you! The site allows you to easily compare train, bus and flight ticket prices in one search, saving you time and money. And don't miss the opportunity to save thanks to Omio discount codes and promotional coupons, available regularly on "Best Discounts". Check out our special offers now to find the best fares to your next destination. With Omio you can easily and quickly look up the timetables for your favorite means of transport, such as trains, buses and flights on one page, avoiding the confusion and stress of having to navigate through different sites. So start your search now and book your next trip with Omio, taking advantage of our discount codes, promotional coupons and the many updated offers you find on this page. [Expand]

The offers and codes dedicated to the most convenient event of the year, Black Friday 2024, have also arrived on Omio

Omio code     Expires in 1 month

15% Discount Code

Discount: 15% Book by: 31 May 2023 (23pm CET) Code valid only on ferry bookings Valid for new customers only Discount applied on purchases up to 59 Euros
                    "id": "13459518",
                    "title": "Sconto 15%",
                    "description": "Sconto: 15%\r\nPrenota entro: 31 maggio 2023 (23:59 CET)\r\nCodice valido solo sulle prenotazioni dei traghetti\r\nValido solo per i nuovi clienti\r\nSconto applicato su acquisti fino a 100 Euro",
                    "thumbnail": "../stores/store_2462.jpg",
					"gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"],
                    "code": "FERRY15",
                    "perma": "sconto-15",
                    "store_perma": "goeuro",
                    "url": "",
                    "store_id": "2462"

Omio code  • Used 7 times     Expires in 3 days

10% Discount Code

Extra discount valid until the end of April and for new customers
                    "id": "13337037",
                    "title": "Sconto 10%",
                    "description": "Extra sconto valido fino a fine aprile e per i nuovi clienti",
                    "thumbnail": "../stores/store_2462.jpg",
					"gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"],
                    "code": "APPRIL",
                    "perma": "sconto-10",
                    "store_perma": "goeuro",
                    "url": "",
                    "store_id": "2462"

Omio offer  • Used 77 times     Expires in 4 days

Travel by train

Travel by train with Trenitalia, Trenord, Italo and Thello Buy your ticket from €14
                    "id": "8711812",
                    "title": "Viaggia in treno",
                    "description": "Viaggia in treno con Trenitalia, Trenord, Italo e Thello Acquista il tuo biglietto da 14 \u20ac\r\n",
                    "thumbnail": "../stores/store_2462.jpg",
					"gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"],
                    "code": "",
                    "perma": "viaggia-in-treno",
                    "store_perma": "goeuro",
                    "url": "",
                    "store_id": "2462"

Omio code  • Used 2504 times     Expires in 3 days

Discount Code €10

With this invitation code you will receive a €10 discount on your first booking. If the price of the trolley is less than 40 euros, Omio Travel Credits cannot be used.
                    "id": "99984",
                    "title": "Offerta € 10",
                    "description": "Con questo codice invito riceverai uno sconto di \u20ac10 sulla tua prima prenotazione. Se il prezzo del carrello \u00e8 inferiore a 40 euro, non \u00e8 possibile utilizzare i Crediti di viaggio Omio.",
                    "thumbnail": "../stores/store_2462.jpg",
					"gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"],
                    "code": "alessd3n2l5d",
                    "perma": "sconto-10",
                    "store_perma": "goeuro",
                    "url": "",
                    "store_id": "2462"

Omio offer  • Used 161 times     Expires in 4 days

Rome by bus

With our offers you can reach the Eternal City starting from €9 with a bus ticket.
                    "id": "56142",
                    "title": "Roma in bus",
                    "description": "Con le nostre offerte puoi raggiungere la citt\u00e0 eterna a partire da 9\u20ac con un biglietto del autobus.",
                    "thumbnail": "../stores/store_2462.jpg",
					"gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"],
                    "code": "",
                    "perma": "roma-in-bus",
                    "store_perma": "goeuro",
                    "url": "",
                    "store_id": "2462"

Omio offer  • Used 57 times     Expires in 4 days

Florence low-cost

With the GoEuro offers, you can leave a bus and reach Florence starting from €9.
                    "id": "56140",
                    "title": "Firenze low cost",
                    "description": "Con le offerte GoEuro parti un autobus e raggiungi Firenze a partire da 9\u20ac.",
                    "thumbnail": "../stores/store_2462.jpg",
					"gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"],
                    "code": "",
                    "perma": "firenze-low-cost",
                    "store_perma": "goeuro",
                    "url": "",
                    "store_id": "2462"

Omio offer  • Used 92 times     Expires in 4 days

Turin from €5

Reach Turin by bus with offers starting from €5.
                    "id": "56139",
                    "title": "Torino da 5€",
                    "description": "Raggiungi Torino in bus con le offerte a partire da 5\u20ac.",
                    "thumbnail": "../stores/store_2462.jpg",
					"gt_translate_keys": ["title", "description", "code", "perma", "store_perma"],
                    "code": "",
                    "perma": "torino-da-5",
                    "store_perma": "goeuro",
                    "url": "",
                    "store_id": "2462"

Promotional Codes and Offers Omio

There are no offers for this shop yet. If you know them and want to share them report them here!

Recent similar shops

Last Update 27/04/2024

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