
Apply for a mortgage online: estimates, requirements and stipulation of the deed

The most effective way to find the bank with the best interest rates and apply for and obtain a mortgage for the purchase of a house is to go to mortgages online, to compare quotes and choose the best bank.

If you are thinking of buy a house and you want apply for a mortgage, you must know that for some years now i interest rates charged by banks are bassi and it is therefore a lot it is convenient to apply for a fixed rate mortgage.

When embarking on such an operation, it is easy to get discouraged, thinking of the thousands of paperwork to be filled in and the many documents to be obtained. Know that reality is less problematic than it seems and that thanks to the internet (once again) the work you will have to do is not that complicated.

How to apply for and obtain a bank loan online

In this article we will try to explain to you the various phases that precede and constitute the process of taking out a mortgage for the purchase of a house. As you will see, the bulk of the work leading up to the loan is done by the owners comparison sites for bank mortgage offers.

The best known is Mortgages Online. Born with the aim of helping families and consumers to choose the most convenient mortgage solution according to one's needs, this platform has become a really useful tool, not to mention indispensable, for those taking their first steps towards buying a home. 

Su Best Discounts you will have the opportunity to use a further savings, when you turn to Mutui Online, thanks to quote and discount codes to be used when applying for a loan. 

How to request and compare quotes online

Now let's see what are the steps to follow if you have decided to apply for a mortgage to purchase a house.

The first thing to do is offline and consists in contacting your bank to check under what conditions, and subject to what requirements, they will grant you the loan.

Even if they seem like the best possible conditions to you, they probably aren't and it's advisable to examine the offers of other banks. The best way to do this is by request quotes to compare all condizioni and rates applied from other credit institutions. You have two possibilities:

  • Go in person at all selected bank branches after making an appointment.
  • Rely on sites like Mutui Online who will do the work for you, offering you a series of quotes to compare price quotation e without obligation.

We do not believe that there is much to think about which is the best choice. Go on.

Requirements for obtaining a mortgage for the purchase of a property

Banks normally they finance up to 80% of the property value, therefore you will have to set the remaining 20% ​​at the time of purchase. If you don't have the opportunity, know that there are banking institutions that offer some additional guarantees 100% financing of the value of the property.

That said, to get online estimates, just enter the data relating to the property to be purchased and your personal and financial situation. Specifically, you will need to indicate:

  • Personal and Family Information: personal data, residence, composition of the family nucleus, dependent children, etc.
  • Employment and income information: current employment (employee or self-employed), income, other financial commitments, etc. 
  • Property information: technical data such as area, category, year of construction, value, etc. 

Insert this information – which you can find from your employer, accountant, at a Caf, from the real estate agent or directly from the seller of the property – you will get the quotes, which you can compare, to decide which banks to forward the request to.

By your side you will always have a consultant, who will schedule appointments for you and provide you with all the support you need. 

The stages of the procedure for obtaining a mortgage

Once choose the bank (or banks), you will be required to provide some of the information specified above, through the submission of documents (such as the tax return), in order for the bank to process the preliminary feasibility opinionwhich is the first hurdle to overcome.

This opinion will be positive if the bank, examining the data provided, will calculate that the installment/income ratio does not exceed 30-35%, or that the amount of the mortgage payment does not exceed your monthly net income by this percentage range. Only if the preliminary opinion is positive will the practice go ahead. 

Having overcome this obstacle, you will be prompted to send more detailed documents, to ascertain the verification of the requirements. Payslips, CUD, Unico model, land registry and planimetry, preliminary sale, deed of origin, certificate of habitability, etc. Meanwhile, the bank will send a trusted expert to the property, to check if the data provided correspond to the actual state and to make an own estimate of its value. 

The bank will then proceed with the resolutiongranting or refusing the loan. If so, one will be set date for signing the loan deed and the deed of sale, in the presence of a notary and a bank representative. Often the deed takes place right at the headquarters of the chosen bank.

On the occasion the mortgage will be established in favor of the bank, which in the following days, the notary will register in the public real estate registers.

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