
Amazon discounts and coupons how and where to find them

In this short guide you will find out how and where to look for the best discounts and offers on products sold by Amazon.

Hello everyone. Today we are going to see how to save money from Amazon. When we make purchases from Amazon we will enter additional codes, discounts or coupons that will allow us to save more money.

Apart from the discounts already provided by Amazon, I will show you where and how to get these codes or coupons. So basically, in this group there are tons of discount codes, tons of free coupons and there are many more offers than conventional Telegram channels. So guys, before continuing I remind you to register on the site, first of all we take our friend and dear faithful smartphone and open Facebook, open Facebook and write offers and discount codes in the search bar. Let's open the first result that comes out to us, that is the group with almost one hundred and twenty thousand members.

I'm already a member and so you'll have to sign up, just click join the group. As soon as you have approved you can read all the things in the home of this group, but the group itself is not on Facebook. Per Se''s group is on WhatsApp where messages from will arrive in practice all day long discount codes for amazon and all these things, so we through Facebook will ask for subscription to this WhatsApp group, so as soon as they have accepted the registration of the Facebook group, follow the same steps as I did and I'll show you Click here on the top Offers discount codes Let's go down offers discount codes personal blog and click here Send a message Eh? Here you ask, you will send a message to be added to the WhatsApp group and they will reply in no time that you will have to click the link they sent you and you will automatically be added to the group as soon as you click the WhatsApp link. But now let's move on to the interesting piece, that is, how effectively saving money is no problem.

Let's open the whatsapp group, as you can see here it's me. We are full of messages full of offers. Look at how many there are and the category goes all games, video games, home accessories, clothing, shoes, electrodes, never appliances, computer accessories really that is everything, everything and all products for the car, so you will surely find what is right for you. Even guys, there are also feminine pads gne gne. You see guys there are also smartphones and pocket coffees of everything and more and in practice this group will inform you about Amazon's offers. In addition, the offers where you can save even more by adding the discount codes and coupons what I told you before.

So let's take an ad that has discount codes or coupons as an example. Let's scroll for a moment. For example this here pulsed light epilator for women and men. As you can see, the list price is thirty-nine euros and ninety-nine. And here it tells us that using the discount code it will change to euros and therefore all we have to do is copy the discount code which is immediately below. This we copy. We open the Amazon link and as you can see the price is written Thirty-nine euros and ninety-nine. How do we get this price down? Add the product to the cart. Ok, can I say one more thing? Ok, we have the cart, proceed to the order and scrolling down here we enter or scan the code And what are we going to do? We're going to enter our discount code that we just copied. Insert And as you can see, guys, the price really drops to nineteen euros and ninety-nine We saved twenty euros in this case.

Also below you can see it says euro discount applied, huh? I didn't know about this and so I decided to share it with you because I really didn't know. In all these years I have ordered it from amazon you could have saved a lot of money but oh well, better late than never, but anyway guys let's go back and I'll show you how to save money. Instead with packages with coupons we always go back to our usual usual group we go up to look for another ad, but this time with coupons and in this case we find vending machine for dog and cat food. Oh well, an example guys, let's finish this and as you can read it says go to only thirty-nine euros and ninety-nine instead of seventy-nine euros and ninety-nine, also applying the coupon on the page, so we click the link, our nice vending machine opens of fantastic food, as you can see, the price is fifty-nine euros and to make it into euros, let's go a little below and read here, apply coupons and we click, very simple, you got a twenty-euro discount by simply clicking. I've actually never noticed these things. Dunno, oh well anyway to try it and add to cart let's go see our cart. Well, let's remove the first one, let's proceed to the order And as you can see thirty-nine euros and ninety-nine you guys actually saved twenty euros simply.

So guys, you haven't done it yet subscribe to this group, this WhatsApp group that will save you a lot of money full of offers full throughout the day they will have information with the various coupons, various discounts, etc. Perhaps you have searched for a specific product. Just what do you do, search in the chat, look for your product you are looking for. So, guys, let me know what you think in the comments.

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